Atlantis Adventure


Atlantis Adventure


A few weeks ago, Ed hosted a Webinar outlining our upcoming magnificent journey to Bimini Island.

Special Things Occured During this webinar that Indicate our Angels and Universal Neighbors are Aligned for our Atlantic Adventure . 😉

This Webinar had An Admission Fee.
After some discussion, we have decided I may bring the Introductory Webinar for this Atlantic Adventure to you FREE

To Replay of Our Webinar on the Bimini Trip follow the link below.

Visit the Lost Atlantean Stargate.

Within this Webinar, 

There is a very powerful mini healing session by Ed, and a short psychic read by me.

I know Ed to be one of the most Powerful Healers on the Planet.

ED is a warriors warrior, a no-nonsense type of healer that does ‘battle’ with the evil forces that keep us from our Divine Power.

As you know, I am no-nonsense healer that works through gentle yet powerful realms.

Our ying-yang combined energy is a Powerful Force.

If it is in you to experience the healing powers of some of the highest frequency healing work on the planet, this gentle and powerful Adventure is for you.

Align the energy of Atlantis’ Crystal Pyramids


We have been told that there will be some very special guidance on this ATLANTIS ADVENTURE.


We are very Excited,Honored, and Humbled by the guidance offered us.

If you are interested to ‘wake up’ to your Genius Talent, become aware of the changes on our planet, and how to align and create a prosperous, nurturing future for yourself now, then this is for you.

If you are looking for what we call the ‘seminar glow’ – where you come just to ‘feel good’ for a little while, then this may not be for you.

This is a lifestyle altering event. It is for the very courageous. Your life will change.

Discover A Higher Dimensional Journey to both the Past and the Future:

  • Group Sessions on the topic of Self-Healing
  • Connect with Higher Dimensional Energy & Spirits
  • Learn to connect to our Celestial Neighbors who are aligned with the highest levels of love
  • Talk topics include â€œReading Genius, Into the Genius Zone, Energy Healing and the 6th Sense , and enhancing one’s Psychic Pathway

Click Here for Details:

This adventure begins September 16th, if your heart sings for this adventure, the ime to act is now!

Would Love To See You there.


Much Love and light,

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